Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Can I use the NinjaTrader Account Manager on its own without using webhook alerts?
YES! You can configure NinjaTrader Account Manager (NAM) to manage positions and flatten NT8 accounts based on profit or loss thresholds without necessarily using webhook alerts.
Orders triggered by webhooks are an optional CrossTrade functionality. If you do not use them, you can ignore the Alert Management configuration settings.
Do I have to worry about slippage?
Slippage is always a concern, particularly in fast-moving markets. NAM uses NT8's internal flatten functionality which uses inverse market orders, and market prices can change between order generation and execution.
While NAM reacts swiftly when your profit or loss targets are hit, the exact price an account closes at in such situations are not guaranteed.
Does this work if my CrossTrade Add-On client is disconnected?
NO! The CrossTrade Add-On client (NT8 add-on) must be running and actively connected to the CrossTrade server for NAM to function correctly.
If your connection is lost, NAM will be unable to take any automated actions until it is reestablished. A connection must be present for proper monitoring during the day, or the functionality can become disabled until your client connects back to the server. The EOD flatten feature will also not trigger without the add-on connected.
What are the minimum system requirements for NinjaTrader Account Manager?
You must be running at least version v1.5.9 of the CrossTrade Add-On for NAM to work correctly.
Do I need a specific subscription plan to use NinjaTrader Account Manager?
YES. NinjaTrader Account Management (NAM) is available with Pro subscriptions and above. Please see our pricing page for detailed information.
Can I use NAM with overnight positions?
No. NAM is specifically designed for intraday account management. You need to start with a flat account every session (6 PM ET reset) for it to work effectively. Positions opened with NAM at the end of a session will prevent the user from re-enabling the same configuration at the session open.
What does it mean for an account to be "flat"?
A "flat" account has no open positions and no pending orders. Before starting an NAM monitor each trading session your account should be entirely flat for proper operation.
How many NAM Monitors can I create?
You may only have one active NAM Monitor for each individual account that you use inside of NT8.
What happens if my connection is unstable?
NAM depends on a stable connection. If you experience connection issues, you might see delayed or failed automated actions. It is important to ensure your trading environment is consistently stable, for NAM and all CrossTrade services to be optimal.
Is the automated EOD flattening mandatory?
No. You can turn off EOD (End-of-Day) auto-flattening within the monitor's settings if it doesn't align with your strategy. EOD flattening does not occur automatically, and a time must be set. If left unconfigured, EOD flattening will never trigger in your account.
Can I set the flattening time in my own time zone?
No. The EOD flattening time is specified in US/Eastern time, in 24-hour clock notation, such as 16:30 for 4:30 PM ET.
What if I want to restart a stopped monitor after a threshold is hit?
When a monitor is stopped, you have to specify new profit and loss thresholds that would effectively move beyond the current P/L number in that account.
For example, if you hit a profit target of $100 and you're stopped at a $107.50, you must reset the new profit target at some amount greater than 107.50, and vice versa on the loss threshold, must be an amount lower than your current P/L.
You can always modify and then restart, but there are not manual overrides if the P/L criteria isn't met at restart.
Can I reconfigure monitor thresholds at any time?
YES, you can modify and save settings at any point while your monitor is operational. All modifications are immediately pushed down to the CrossTrade Add-On.
Are threshold modifications synchronous to strategy execution?
No, there are no guarantees made of full synchronous operation when adjusting configurations, particularly within highly automated trading strategies or when using very frequent adjustments.
What type of alerts can NAM affect in NT8?
NAM can independently modify your alerts for only the managed account to be disabled, to be closing-order-only, or have no changes to filtering occur at all (for informational or logging purposes).
Are all my settings persistent?
All your settings (including enable/disable states) are persisted on CrossTrade servers. Settings do not require you to reset them at a session reset, however account settings that include positions do require that. The EOD flatten timer will trigger even if you do not have the add-on client running.
Last updated