Step-by-step installation instructions to get you up and running
Last updated
Step-by-step installation instructions to get you up and running
Last updated
Step 1 - Download CrossTrade
Once downloaded, open NinjaTrader and install the Add-on by clicking on Tools > Import > NinjaScript Add-On.
Before you restart NinjaTrader, complete Step 3!
Import failed. The NinjaScript Archive File may contain duplicate method names that already exist on your PC, modify a method signature that other scripts were dependent on, or be missing a required file...
If you see an error message similar to above during installation, it's most likely related to the way OneDrive is setup on your PC. OneDrive doesn't play nice with NT8.
To resolve this manually, unzip the contents of the XT Add-On zip file to the Documents\NinjaTrader 8\bin\Custom\ directory and restart NT8. Don't forget to complete Step 3 before doing so.
Enable the Automated Trading Interface (ATI) to accept your external commands by going to Tools > Options > Automated Trading Interface.
Now restart NinjaTrader
After you have restarted NinjaTrader. it's now time to Log In with your email and password.