Webhook Trading
Send a webhook as if it came from TradingView or anywhere else.
Some traders enjoy the functionality available as part of the webhook system that they don't want to implement themselves, e.g., rate limiting.
It's easy to replicate these requests in your own code, with a few caveats to be aware of. To make webhooks easy for non-technical users, they are sent as plaintext messages from places like TradingView, not JSON. So when sending them in code, we need to ensure the Content-Type header is "text/plain", otherwise it will be rejected.
Functionally, there is no difference between the way these webhooks are sent and any other external webhook CrossTrade receives.
Just like a regular external webhook, you do not need an "Authorization: Bearer <token>" header in your post request. Instead, your URL should match the custom Webhook URL provided with your account and your Secret Key should be contained inside the message body.
Code Example (Python)
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